Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
RSPCA Supporter

Lot No. 466

Auction No. 15
Category World
    Collections, Accumulations and Selections
Est. $250
Status SOLD $200



Great Britain 1841-1978 used collection on leaves in binder with a few 1841/79 engraved in average cond then good surface printed incl 1856/57 4d pair, 6d pair plus 10 singles (mainly fine), 1/- x 2, 1862 4d & 6d showing Edinburgh Brunswick star 131 cancels & 9d x 3 (faults). KEVII to 7d MLH with odds to 2/6d used. Also1911/12 ½d & 1d booklet panes of 6 (imperial Crown wmk), KGV to 5/- in mixed cond used plus 1924 BEE MLH. Ordinary later used but with few KGV MLH plus a 1937 airmail cover to Burma with KGV, VI & KEVII adhesives with neat cds NORTH BERWICK EAST LOTHIAN. 1938 to 5/- MLH, 1948 RSW £1 MUH, Olympic set on regd FDC (front only) & a good later range MUH, MLH & used incl some cut-outs with cds examples affixed, odd addressed FDC & a Regionals range to 1971 MLH/used. Whilst cond is certainly mixed, pickings abound & inspection will reveal value. (100s)